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Transfer / redomiciliation of the company in Ras Al Khaimah from other jurisdictions - is it possible?

Transfer of the company or, in other words, known in English-speaking countries, redomiciliation, is available for companies with offshore status.

This means that the companies domiciled in standard offshore jurisdictions - British Virgin Islands, Panama, Seychelles, etc. may be transferred to Ras Al Khaimah.

When transferring the company, its name and history is retained, which in some cases is an important aspect. Company redomiciliation procedure consist of two main parts - "release" of the company from current jurisdiction and preparation for its transfer and redomiciliation thereof in Ras Al Khaimah.

The whole process of redomiciliation may take about a month. The costs incurred for redomiciliation  may be much higher in comparison with registration of a new company.

For this reason redomiciliation is reasonable in case of important reasons for preserving the existing company.

In order to transfer current offshore company to Ras Al Khaimah, please feel free to send us your request and copies of documents of existing company.

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